21 Days of Prayer & Fasting is For You
21 Days of Prayer & Fasting is a great way to start the year with a focus on God and asking Him to move in your life, our church, city, and the world. As we fast and set aside time each day to pray, He will move like never before. We will see God move in our church, relationships, work, families, and every area of our lives.
Types of Fasts
Complete Fast
In this type of fast, you don’t eat or drink at all. This is an extreme fast and should only be done for very short periods of time. This should never be engaged in unless God is commanding you and should only be done in consultation with a medical professional.
Normal Fast
In this type of fast, you only drink water. This is the most common fast in the Bible. If you have not fasted before, consider doing a selective or partial fast instead and work your way up to this. People typically incorporate some type of fruit juice or broth into their diet when they do this.
Selective Fast
This type of fast involves removing certain elements from your diet. One example of a selective fast is the Daniel Fast, during which you remove meat, sweets, and bread from your diet and consume water and juice for fluids and fruits and vegetables for food. This is our recommendation for those who are not experienced in fasting.
Partial Fast
This fast is sometimes called the “Jewish Fast” and involves abstaining from eating any type of food in the morning and afternoon. This can either correlate to specific times of the day, such as 6:00 am to 3:00 pm, or from sunup to sundown.
Soul Fast
This fast is a great option if you do not have much experience fasting food, have health issues that prevent you from fasting food, or if you wish to refocus certain areas of your life that are out of balance. For example, you might choose to stop using social media or watching television for the duration of the fast and then carefully bring that element back into your life in healthy doses at the conclusion of the fast.
Daily Prayer Focus
Each day, we provide a prayer focus for the church as a whole. It is powerful to unite in prayer for a specific need, and this list helps us to seek God together for these 21 days.
Day 1: THANKS || Give God thanks for all He did in 2024. Write out the answered prayers and displays of His faithfulness, pray them out loud, and give God thanks for His faithfulness in 2024. Then give God thanks for what He is going to do in 2025!
Day 2: PERSONAL GUIDANCE || Pray that God will guide you daily in your thoughts, attitudes, and decisions. Ask God to shape you into a man or woman who loves selflessly, serves joyfully, and lives thankfully,
Day 3: SCHOOLS || Pray that God will be in our schools and that students will encounter God and begin to build a relationship with Him.
Day 4: NEIGHBORS || Pray that we can demonstrate God’s love to our neighbors and that they will have the opportunity to experience the love of Jesus.
Day 5: MISSIONARIES || Pray that God will show His favor to our missionaries as they continue to share the Gospel to unreached people groups. Ask God to protect them and their families as they are obedient to the call on their lives.
Day 6: INSPIRATION || Pray that the power of the Holy Spirit, who does exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever dream or imagine, would be in us! Ask God to inspire us to see needs and meet them in His name.
Day 7: YOUR WALK W/ GOD || Pray that God will guide your steps and guard against evil desires that may creep into your life. Pray that everyday you will wake up to follow Him with every decision you make!
Day 8: COMMUNITY LEADERS || Pray that God will give our community leaders wisdom and discernment in every decision they make. Ask God to draw them in to know Him in a new and real way.
Day 9: YOUR FAMILY || Pray that God will help you invest in your children and marriage by making the Bible a part of your life daily. Pray that marriages and family members will be brought or restored to relationship with Jesus.
Day 10: THE NEXT GENERATION || Pray that as a Church we would be willing to give and sacrifice for the next generation, believing that as they come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they will lead others to know Him as well!
Day 11: FORGIVENESS || Ask God to help you let go of past offenses and forgive those who have wounded you. Pray that He would open your eyes to seek forgiveness from others as well.
Day 12: WISDOM || Pray that God would grant wisdom in your relationships. Ask Him to guide you in making decisions that will benefit your family, allow you to best serve Him and His church, and be a good steward of the resources He has given you.
Day 13: UNITY || We pray for unity within the Church, knowing that when we are unified, it is a testament to Jesus’ love for us. Nothing is impossible when we come together in the unity of Christ!
Day 14: FOR ALL TO KNOW JESUS || Pray for everyone to come to know Jesus! Pray specifically for the salvation of loved ones, friends, neighbors and coworkers.
Day 15: OUR COUNTRY || Pray that our country will become unified. Pray that we will love one another as Christ has loved us!
Day 16: GENEROSITY || Pray that God would help you to be generous in every area of your life. Pray that you would hold loosely the gifts He has given you and allow Him to guide you in being generous with them.
Day 17: KINGDOM BUILDERS || Pray that Kingdom Builders will help reach the 12,000 people within a 10 mile radius of our church who are without a church home. Pray for the billions of people around the world who have yet to hear that Jesus loves them and longs to give them a future and a hope!
Day 18: GLOBAL MISSIONS || Pray for all the missionaries currently serving around the world so that people will know the name of Jesus and be able to have a personal relationship with Him.
Day 19: LOCAL CHURCH EXPANSION || Pray that new churches will be born in the state of Iowa and that we will be able to show Jesus’ love in our own backyard here in Waverly!
Day 20: FUTURE CHRISTIAN LEADERS || Pray for the next generation to say Yes to the call that God places on their life. Ask God to raise up world changers who are committed to loving, serving, and giving more than they could ever imagine.
Day 21: PRAISE || Give God praise for what he has done in the last 21 days and for what he is going to do in 2025. THE BEST IS YET TO COME!